How to Set Achievable Goals for Your Business

How to Set Achievable Goals for Your Business

February 17, 2020
It’s easy to overlook goal setting when you’re operating as a small business, but something as easy as writing down what you want in a specific time, and employing the means to do so can transform your business. Consider these tips to help your SMEs set achievable goals.

Identify something definite you want for your business, making sure they’re realistic targets that are achievable with the resources at your disposal and within a specific period. They could be short-term or long-term goals, but whatever plan you have has to be part of an overall coordinated strategy. Once this is done, find ways to monitor your progress while evaluating results feedback.

Small victories along the way will give you a clear direction and motivate those around you, setting you up for bigger adventures. There’s always the temptation to abort when things wobble in the middle of a well-thought-out plan, but you wouldn’t know about the overall strategy if you abandon your goals. In times like these, it’s good to evaluate both your execution and the impact of external factors you can’t control.


Many small SMEs will struggle with their aim when they’re setting goals. Specifically, SMEs wonder whether they should go for the exciting leap or to settle for the safe but mundane. Situations and opportunities will vary, but it’s essential that the business stays alive and grows incrementally to a stage where you can take measured risks or have the ability to grab opportunities.

If you work as part of a team, ensure that everyone is aligned with your goals, doing their bit to accomplish their shared goals, and defending it against detractors. Ultimately no one knows your goals and vision better than you. Take responsibility for decision-making based on the information available to you.

Enjoy your achievements and learn from your mistakes, and never forget that whatever goals you set out to achieve, the ultimate goal is to deliver a fantastic product.

Sweet Tips from Ally

  • Be sure your goals are reachable
  • Celebrate the smaller victories
  • Start with safer goals, then shoot for the stars
  • Get your team on the same page!

Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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