No Is a Complete Sentence

No Is a Complete Sentence

September 13, 2023

In the world we inhabit, it often feels like everyone is vying for a portion of our time and attention - our clients, friends, family, and even that neighbor who conveniently forgets their keys or catches us just as we're about to leave, with a casual "can I have a minute?" Or the infamous "can I pick your brain for a moment?"

I'm not implying that helping others is a negative thing; in fact, it's quite commendable! I wholeheartedly endorse the warm feeling of satisfaction that comes from assisting someone. However, every time you agree to something you don't genuinely wish to do, you're essentially giving away a part of your already limited resources. It's akin to handing out free time and energy samples at a wholesale store. And honestly, who wants to be the wholesale store of their own life?

As female founders and individuals with a natural inclination to please, our resources are already in short supply after ensuring everyone is cared for and well-fed. Employing the word "no" isn't about selfishness; it's about prioritizing yourself so that you can show up as the best version of yourself for those who truly matter (and that includes you). There's no need to offer lengthy explanations. A simple "no" or "no, thank you" suffices perfectly well.

Think of saying "no" as a one-sentence superpower. Wield it like a vibrant pink lightsaber and protect your boundaries as if your well-being depends on it, because in many ways, it does. By declining those additional commitments and standing your ground, you create room for the things that genuinely hold importance to you, and therein lies the magic. It's in the less cluttered schedule, the reduced stress levels, and those quieter moments when your mind resembles a contented sloth rather than a hyperactive squirrel (which is totally my spirit animal).

Politely yet firmly declining does not make you a negative person. Changing your response from "yes" to "no" after an exhausting week doesn't brand you as unreliable. It signifies that you understand your own needs, making those moments when you do say "yes" all the more rewarding because you're fully present for everyone involved. Who wouldn't want more of that?

Let's be honest, finding free space in an entrepreneur's schedule is as rare as spotting a unicorn 🦄. So, this week, I encourage you to tap into your inner "No Ninja" and display this affirmation wherever you can see it. Reclaim your time and energy without guilt, make space for whatever YOU require (pajamas are optional but recommended), and don't forget to save some for yourself because I, too, could use a reminder now and then.

I believe in you (always).


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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