5 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Business

5 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Business

March 29, 2021

Starting a business is a dream come true for many. You can establish your own rules, seize various opportunities, and satisfy an unmet need. However, this also means more responsibility and careful planning. Here are five tips to keep in mind if you want to turn your business into a long-lasting, successful enterprise.

1. Create a Financial Plan

Having a financial plan is critical for any business. It can help manage your cash flow and measure your progress. Here are some things to consider as you draft your plan:

  • Figure out your fixed and variable expenses each month like rent, utilities, etc.
  • Cash flow statements can calculate cash balance and tell you about your working capital and cash needs.
  • A break-even analysis report estimates at what point your business needs to start making a profit, helping you price more efficiently.

2. The Business World is a Marathon

Seeing immediate success is almost impossible for start-ups. There is too much competition, and consumer demands are always changing. Create long-term plans instead to build an enduring company. Even if it seems like you are making more losses than profits, you must be patient. Besides, even if you make a lot of profit in the beginning, there is no guarantee that you will continue to do so later on.

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3. Make Sure Your Product or Service is in Demand

Even if your company offers great deals, it doesn’t matter if no one is interested in them. This is critical because if no one is looking for your product or service, your company will not be making any profit. Make sure to do thorough research on the industry you want to enter beforehand.

4. Know Your Customers

If you want to appeal to your target audience, you have to know them first. Often, your customers will decide if your company is going to succeed rather than your business plan. Figure out what they want and where you can reach them the best. Is your target audience young? Then advertise mostly on social media. However, if your target market is relatively older, opting for traditional marketing might be a better choice. Listen to customer feedback and make changes whenever you can.

5. Never Underestimate the Power of Marketing

How can your customers use your service if they’ve never heard about it? You need to market your brand to reach your audience. Don’t rule out any form of marketing and consider both digital and traditional methods. Traditional marketing can still appeal to many people, and an overreliance on social media may backfire.

Sweet Tips from Ally:

Most of these tips require extensive research. Research is vital if you want to include all the necessary elements in your financial plan and know what your customers are looking for. So take advantage of all your sources - whether it be the Internet or nearby pop-up events.


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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