How to Keep Your Family Information Private on Social Media

How to Keep Your Family Information Private on Social Media

January 25, 2021

Whenever you post on your social media, you are increasing your risk of your information being shared by millions of people. Nothing you put on the Internet is truly private, but many people fail to realize this. Thus, many end up posting private information and photos about their families without thinking about the aftermath.

Ways to Take Precautions

Before you put anything online, think about whether it would be okay if everyone saw what you posted, and not just your close friends and family. Never post private information of anyone online, and ask others to remove pictures of your family if you feel uncomfortable. Even though you may want to brag to others about your family members’ achievements, try to send such information through Messenger or make a phone call. You can never know who might be lurking, and it is probably for the best if people do not know where your family is going to college or working. Avoid the “checking in” option as well, and make sure your photos do not give away signs of your home or even your vacation spots. Sharing your location makes it easier for hackers to figure out your favorite restaurants and other places your family regularly visits, putting them in danger.

Coffee with Ally

You should also consider setting up privacy controls if you decide to post photos. Limit who can see them and only include your other family members and close friends whenever you post pictures of your family. However, do not rely too much on these controls. They can sometimes fail, and the photos can end up in the wrong hands. To avoid such situations altogether, always be careful who you friend on social media, and never accept requests from anyone you are not too familiar with.

Lastly, if you have children, make sure to regularly check their privacy settings and see what kind of information they are posting online. You can even set an age limit for your kids and let them know at what age they can start using social media. When they do end up going on such channels, make sure their accounts are private. Also, advise them to think twice before posting anything since their friends, family, and even potential employers are all on social media.

Sweet Tip from Ally:

Keep in mind that there is nothing more accurate than the saying, “what goes on the Internet stays on the Internet.” Make sure you are taking all necessary measures to keep your family safe from hackers and advising your children to do the same.


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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