Is Email Marketing Still an Effective Strategy

Is Email Marketing Still an Effective Strategy

September 21, 2020

With the increasing popularity of social media and other online platforms, some entrepreneurs have dropped email marketing. However, statistics show that this may not be the smartest move.

Email Marketing is Still Crucial

Did you know that email marketing is one of the easiest, most effective methods you can use to market your business online? Let’s discuss why this method remains useful to date.

Email Marketing Data

According to Optinmonster, internet users send up to 102.6 trillion emails annually, and these numbers may rise to 126.7 trillion by the end of 2022. This leads us to ask: who are the senders and receivers of these emails?

Over 90% of American residents between 15 years and up fall in this category. Even with the increase in messaging applications, a good percentage of teenagers continue to communicate through email. Moreover, up to 92% of internet users own an email account, while 99% of those users check their inbox multiple times a day.

The increase in mobile platforms makes this possible and easy. More than 50% of internet users check their mail before engaging in other online tasks, proving why email marketing is still an effective strategy when distributing content to your audience.

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Social Media VS. Email

The Radicati Group believes that by 2023, email users will grow up to 3 billion. Emails can reach up to 85% of their target audience and presents a click-through ratio of 3.71% throughout all industries, while its median open rate is 22.86%. Furthermore, the average unsubscribe rate is a low 0.21%. However, even with these numbers, many companies opt for social media marketing when its engagement ratio is just 0.58%.
Email Marketing and Consumers 

As a marketer, it is critical to determine how your customers will respond to your emails. Many consumers may report emails as spam when marketers get the content and frequency wrong. According to Adestra, consumers prefer email communication with a brand they can relate to. To ensure that your emails do not get marked as spam, you must adopt smart personalization. For example, placing the subscriber’s name, using smart tags, and adding in visuals are all effective methods to keep your customer engaged and interested. These will make your marketing drive more engaging and can lower the unsubscribe rate.

Sweet Tips from Ally
Getting your marketing right is always a challenge. To make sure you are speaking to your customers, listen to these simple but helpful tips:

  1. Make sure your content is personalized
  2. Don’t drop email marketing
  3. Social media marketing may not always be more effective than email marketing

Check out other blog posts and learn more methods that will help grow your business!


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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