Trust is key to sell online: here are 5 tips to build trust for eCommerce sites

Trust is key to sell online: here are 5 tips to build trust for eCommerce sites

April 13, 2020
Trust is the single most important factor for online success. If people can’t believe your site is legit, chances of converting them into paying customers are almost 0.

Have you ever landed on a website and started to have second thoughts about it? Thoughts like “this look fake” or “I wouldn’t add my credit card info to this website”.

If you have, then you know how important it is to build trust in order to convert visitors into customers. Today, we’ll have a little walk through simple steps to build trust on your website.

1. Have a clean and professional web design

First impressions are hard to erase. The first time a potential customer visits your website, they will scan your website with their eyes and make a judgment based on what it looks like. You want to make sure that they make a positive judgement, and don’t immediately think your website is outdated or untrustworthy.

Here are 5 things your website needs to look professional:
  1. It needs to follow the current web design trends.
  2. The user interface (UI) must be easy to use.
  3. Graphics and styles need to be consistent.
  4. Avoid grammar and spelling mistakes.
  5. Use high-resolution images.
2. Make it easy to contact you

Make sure to:

  • Create a contact page with all the channels they can use to reach you.
  • Add your phone number on the main menu and footer and make it clickable.
  • Reply to all queries.

If a potential customer sends you an email, the best practice would be to answer in the first 24 hours.

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However, for live chats and instant messaging apps like Messenger or WhatsApp, potential clients will expect to have a real-time conversation.

3. Add testimonials

Social proof is essential. Reviews and ratings have a big role in the buying decision. After every purchase, try to collect testimonials and reviews so potential customers can learn more about your products from people like themselves.

Not only are reviews important, but there’s no better social proof than people using your products. This has to be an element of your marketing materials and on your product pages.

If the feedback gathering process is done right, you can even use this momentum to win back customers that had a less-than-positive experience.

4. Create high-quality content

In today’s digital age, people want to learn more about your brand through the content you publish. Your social media, your articles, videos, and podcast are a great way to let your customers know what your brand represents.

5. Show yourself

People don’t buy from companies, they buy from people. Your face and personality are valuable assets for your business. When people know who is behind a product, they can have someone to relate to and connect.

The About page is a good place to add a few pictures of you and your team and to add a video talking about your brand.

Sweet Tips from Ally
  1. Make sure your website looks clean and professional – your site should be updated regularly to reflect eCommerce trends
  2. Consumers like to know they can reach out at any time. Make contact easy and respond in a timely manner.
  3. Reviews are essential to proving you’re trustworthy! It’s one thing if you say you are, but another thing if your customers say how great you and your products are.
  4. In this day and age, content is king. Make it easy for consumers to learn about you and that you can back up your claims.
  5. Give your company a face! People like to know who they are buying from, and adding a detailed about section can do that much more in proving your trustworthiness.

Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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