Five Trends Driving eCommerce Sales in 2019 and Beyond

Five Trends Driving eCommerce Sales in 2019 and Beyond

October 07, 2019

eCommerce is growing, especially in emerging markets. eCommerce is becoming an accessible opportunity for small businesses and more niche products/services. The shift by eCommerce towards mobile has also led to more consumers participating and making eCommerce available to them at more convenient times. Selling products/services online will become more of the norm than the exception in the coming years. Here are the trends experts believe will drive sales in 2019

1. Artificial Intelligence

Retailers are investing heavily in AI to improve sales, targeting, and services. AI will be present in the customer's retail experience through chatbots and bespoke offerings. AI will also be used to enrich the customer experience and to lower its cost, for example, with chatbots. AI will also be present behind the scenes optimizing pricing and forecasting demand. Capgemini estimates that AI could save the retail industry $340 billion.

2. Augmented Reality

AR will be one of the most visible changes to the eCommerce experience. It is a natural evolution of online shopping. The industry has been held back by the fact that customers were not able to see the product; AR will solve that problem. AR will enable customers to "try" on outfits in"change rooms." or be able to view what a paint job will look like before making the purchase decision. ABI Research forecasts that by 2020 $122 billion in worldwide sales will be on AR and that 120,000 stores could be using AR smart glasses by 2022.

3. Ethical Customers

Customers are and will become even more aware of the environmental and ethical impact of their purchase decisions. Not only that, but consumers will reward retailers who understand the values of sustainability. Companies will be questioned on issues like packaging, labor practices, social responsibility, and the environment, to name a few.

4. Social Media Shopping

Social media will evolve to take advantage of the engaged users it has. Users are keen to buy products without leaving the social media platform. It will provide a new exciting revenue stream for the industry. Instagram already has a shop feature, and SnapChat has launched its Shop and Cop feature using a few retailers like Kylie's Cosmetics.

5. Voice Search

Digital assistants like, Alexa, Cortana, Google Home device, and more will drive sales in the future. Consumers will use voice commands to search and shop for products. Business Insider expects the number of people using these devices for product searches to grow from 25% to 40% by 2021. Retailers will have to adjust their keywords to voice searches which tend to be longer. Product descriptions will become even more important as that will be read out to consumers by the devices.

These trends are already in full swing and are projected to grow in the short term. Keep your eCommerce business at the forefront of these trends, and you will be able to satisfy your current customers and reach out to new ones.


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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