Unlocking Instagram: 5 Must-Know Updates for Users

Unlocking Instagram: 5 Must-Know Updates for Users

November 14, 2023

New Instagram revelations for 2023? You bet! Grab your notebook because we've got some major updates to spill!

Instagram reigns as a powerhouse in social media, boasting 500 million daily and one billion monthly active users worldwide (Statista, May 2023). With its focus on curated content, it's a haven for businesses. Benefits include a growing user base, user-generated content, targeted customer engagement through hashtags, and the opportunity to establish a brand identity with captivating content.

However, staying in the game means keeping up with the latest trends. What dances are trending? What's the latest background music? How can your business maintain relevance?

Amidst the trends, one standout is the "Tell me you love dogs, without telling me you love dogs" challenge, featuring adorable and messy puppy antics.

Now, let's dive into the 5 must-know Instagram updates for 2023 to keep your content trendy, your brand relevant, and your game strong!

Enhanced Reels and LIVE Metrics

If you're anything like me, you thrive on statistics. Is my strategy effective? Am I achieving my goals? If not, it's time to reassess and pivot.
Instagram now empowers Reels creators to gauge success through likes, comments, shares, saves, plays, and accounts reached. Notably, the insight into accounts reached reveals your audience demographic, guiding your content strategy.

For LIVE hosts, the analytics cover accounts reached, shares, comments, likes, and a new addition, peak concurrent viewers—the highest number during a live stream. This helps tailor your approach, whether it's waiting a minute for the full viewer count or discovering the optimal LIVE duration for your channel.

Caption Stickers

Caption Stickers mark a groundbreaking and inclusive update from Instagram. A game-changer, these stickers transform spoken words into text. No audio? No problem!
This feature not only enhances accessibility for the hard of hearing community but also revolutionizes content interaction. Given that many viewers watch videos without sound, these stickers address a common challenge. While currently available only for English speakers, I anticipate a swift update to include more languages.

Instagram's Challenge to Clubhouse

In a bid to rival Clubhouse's immense popularity, Instagram has introduced a new update allowing LIVE hosts to switch off their video during a stream, displaying only their profile picture. Additionally, hosts can now mute their microphones—a direct response to Clubhouse's success. It will be fascinating to observe the dynamics of each platform's evolution.

LIVE Rooms

Post-pandemic, and in response to the desire for social connection, Instagram unveiled LIVE Rooms. These virtual spaces accommodate up to four participants, fostering a more intimate setting for Q&As, interviews, tutorials, and audience engagement. While the success of LIVE Rooms may be affected by regions reopening after the pandemic, I see this Instagram update as a powerful tool, especially for businesses seeking to connect with and build relationships with their audiences. 

To Conceal or Reveal Public Like Counts: The Instagram Dilemma

In a quest for user satisfaction, Instagram has been experimenting with the idea of hiding Like counts. The feedback has been mixed, with some embracing the change and others vehemently opposing it. Notably, many users rely on Like counts to gauge trends and popularity.

Instagram has now decided to put the choice in the users' hands. You can now choose to view Like counts on all posts in your feed or hide your own counts on your posts, granting you control over the visibility of your engagement metrics. According to Instagram, this empowers users to focus on the content itself, shifting the emphasis from the quantity of likes to the shared photos and videos.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of social media, Instagram has emerged as a dynamic platform, constantly introducing updates to enhance user experience and adapt to evolving trends. I see these updates as valuable tools for businesses aiming to connect with audiences, build relationships, and stay at the forefront of social media trends in 2023.


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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