I Envision the Future I Desire and I Believe That It Is Forthcoming

I Envision the Future I Desire and I Believe That It Is Forthcoming

June 26, 2024

Do you harbor a long-term life goal that you've concealed? Nearly everyone nurtures an aspiration they hope to fulfill one day. It might involve running a lucrative business, starting a family, amassing a collection of designer handbags, exploring distant destinations, or having the resources to care for loved ones at home.

When our dreams don't materialize within our expected timeframes, doubt and uncertainty can infiltrate, causing our plans to feel more distant than ever – a frustrating experience.

Ironically, this tends to occur just as our dreams are on the brink of realization. We lose faith, cease our efforts, and suddenly find ourselves regressing.

So, what should an ambitious (and impatient) entrepreneur do in such situations?

Maintain hope! Remember that great achievements require time. Abraham Hicks wisely points out that if we were given everything we desire instantly, we might not even know how to handle it. Consider this period as a gestation phase, an opportunity to revel in the anticipation of its imminent arrival in our lives.

Use this affirmation to assure yourself that it is undoubtedly on its way. Continuously refine your dreams until they are vividly and distinctly clear. By doing so, you transition from waiting to expecting, and that's precisely when the universe meets you halfway.

To borrow from Jon Bon Jovi's lyrics: "Woahhhh, We're halfway there."


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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