Top Mistakes Made by Businesses when Going Global

Top Mistakes Made by Businesses when Going Global

March 01, 2024


International Expansion, without a doubt, should be a component of each entrepreneur's plan. If addressed correctly, global growth benefits multinational enterprises, SMEs, and even start-ups. However, this process may be dangerous for your business without a proper strategy, preparation, and execution. With this in mind, Ally Spinu will share Six Common Mistakes made by firms throughout Global Expansion and some tips on overcoming them.

You need to take local culture and preferences into account.

Global Expansion implies a presence in several markets across the world, which can have a significant influence on client behavior. In addition, before expanding abroad, target countries' local marketing channels, product preferences, and consumer demands must be thoroughly explored and analyzed following general market research.

Certain products and services are consumed similarly worldwide, though some other products may be adapted to pay enough respect to the foreign culture. Adjusting the product or service may result in some structure or price changes. However, such an approach will lead to a better outcome otherwise than ignoring local market preferences. Another critical aspect of country adaptation is pricing. While it is only sometimes necessary for enterprises to adapt their pricing policies for foreign markets, many business owners find that making local-level modifications allows them to develop more quickly.

There are several options to introduce a particular product to a new market to test the reaction of potential customers:
• Do it on your own and go through the path of your trials and tribulations
• Franchise. After you develop a clear guideline - you transcend the rights of usage of your brand and business model for the percentage of revenue
• Mergers and acquisitions. If you have accumulated enough capital, and your serious competitor is present in a new market, you can come up with an excellent offer to acquire a business.

Warehouse worker checks if everything is ready to be exported globally

You need to take into consideration all possible risks.

When considering foreign market entry, the risks involved should be considered.
The question that might arise is how much financial risk you are willing to take immediately to avoid bankruptcy. While a company may have a profitable business model in its home market, when it expands to another country, there are often unexpected costs that tend to add up quickly. Also, unexpected expenses can arise due to mistakes made by the company. Therefore, sufficient care must be taken in all functional areas to avoid additional costs. And in case of force majeure, a spare tire must be considered.

Also noticeable are the risks associated with partnerships: distribution, hiring a local director, and sometimes the composition of investors. The best practice will be to study the legal features of business in each country.
Ignorance of the intricacies of local legislation can become an issue as well. To avoid unforeseen costs for fines, it is better to consult with a lawyer in advance about specific actions.

You need to put more effort into assembling a trustworthy team.

You must leave some independence and autonomy to your local team while still working closely with them and ensuring they continue to work towards achieving the company's goals and objectives.

For your local team to have the autonomy to grow independently, the paramount requirement is to have a solid management team that you can rely on and trust to do their job correctly. Hire someone you think will do the job well, and when you do, make sure that person understands when to make decisions and when to consult with you and senior management. Having a decision-maker like this will streamline the process and allow the company to manage better, which will increase the overall productivity of your project.

Sweet Tips from Ally

Your Global Extension and future presence will proceed smoothly and successfully if you keep these suggestions in mind:
1. Recognize growth opportunities as you go international.
2. Explore the possibility of obtaining a license, expanding through franchising, and anything else you need.
3. Analyze your competitors.
4. Create a comprehensive and effective global marketing strategy.
5. Establish procedures, get a reasonable budget, and allocate and hire the proper personnel.
6. Create an agreement with a potent agent, partner, and distributor.
7. Review marketing and advertising requirements.
8. Be prepared to meet the unique needs of each geographic market. Be ready to accommodate each geographic market's particular requirements.


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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