How Direct-To-Consumer Brands Are Restructuring Marketing

How Direct-To-Consumer Brands Are Restructuring Marketing

March 14, 2022

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing is the concept where an organization markets its service or product to its customers directly. The outburst of DTC brands in the last few years indicates a switch in how products are being sold, triggering a change in brand-consumer relationships and throwing established firms off balance. Let’s see how DTC brands are restructuring marketing:
The Advent of DTC Brands 

DTC brands, which started online, are transforming the way customers purchase a wide range of products and eliminating the need for retailers to build and maintain an end-to-end relationship with their consumers. Some DTCs have even developed a robust global following. 
Good examples include Glossier, a four-year-old beauty brand whose current value is more than $1.5 billion. Glossier chief operating officer and President Henry Davis recently illustrated how he evaluated the power between retailers and brands. 
He noted that some brands don’t take advantage of DTC eCommerce because they rely too much on money stemming from retailers. On the other hand, stores count on the consumers brands attract. 
Why a Brand-Customer Relationship Is Crucial 

According to Davis, the above scenario is a symbiosis where both brands and retailers are fighting one another. In the meantime, key brand owners and retailers, especially ones in the fast-moving consumer goods industry (FMCG), are experiencing a reduction in their sales.

As a result, Glossier is convinced that the only relevant theory entrepreneurs can use to build a brand is by owning the relationship with their customers. Today, many DTC brands in different industries have adopted this theory. 

Coffee with Ally
What DTC Brands Are Doing to Transform Marketing

One of the most crucial things a business should have is counsel from people who have walked that path before.

Insight from the experts who have been in the digital marketplace from the beginning and who have mastered the art of internet DTC marketing is vital. With the right advisor, your business is highly likely to remain adaptable, agile, and profitable. Here are some things DTC brands are doing differently to succeed:

  • Focusing on developing long-term consumer relationships
  • Understanding that learning never ends
  • Exercising patience 
  • Being persistent and mastering integrity

Sweet Tips from Ally:

Joining the digital marketplace and adopting DTC marketing is no longer an option. However, you must acquire the latest skills and use the best digital tools to succeed. One of the most critical things, in this case, is identifying and counting on people who have mastered the art of exploiting DTC brand marketing.


Ally Spinu

Ally Spinu is the CEO of Export Portal. She has travelled the world showing how the beauty and efficiency of a blockchain-enabled technology can improve international trade.

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